Matthew Fishman | Marketing | Startups

Matthew Fishman is passionate about entrepreneurship and has helped companies in different industries. He led marketing and PR at Agent Anything, nicknamed the “eBay for services”, with its strategy, marketing, and public relations. He assisted their expansion efforts internationally when Agent Anything was selected by ANZ Innovyz Start to participate in its accelerator program in Australia (part of the Global Accelerator Network that was created by TechStars).

In addition, he has been a columnist for Entrepreneur Media, where he wrote about topics such as 5 Ways to Land Press for Your Startup From Your Dorm Room,  How to Create Value to Reel in Investors,  and  Why We Chose an Accelerator in Australia Over One in the U.S.

Matthew was among the 5% of global applicants to be selected for The Start-Up Of You Student Fellowship, a program ran by LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman and serial entrepreneur Ben Casnocha.

Resourceful, ambitious, and committed, he seeks opportunities to improve the status quo. He was chosen as part of an exclusive group of ten based upon an innovative concept to improve the Samsung Galaxy smartphone and to develop the future of curved screens. Passionate about innovation and helping others, he has offered his insights to improve apps, websites, and more.

Invested to improve the future in startups within the healthcare, education, environment, and digital media industries.

Matthew has won academic awards for outstanding academic achievement and scholarships in Entrepreneurship, and also was part of one of the winning teams in his university’s first business pitch competition through the Silberman College of Business.  Matthew graduated with a B.S. in Entrepreneurship with honors from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Please feel free to send me a message using the contact form below about nearly anything -- I am always eager to learn new things and I truly love to help others. I can't wait to hear from you!

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